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Tips to help keep your pet calm on Bonfire Night

One of the highlights of our  work is getting to meet all of our clients' furry friends. Our pets give us unconditional love and companionship so naturally we all want to do everything we can to protect them from being scared and distressed. Every year, Bonfire Night brings delight to adults and children alike all over the country as the loud whizzes, bangs and flashes of colour in the sky amaze and enthral. Our furry friends however are much less enamoured by the sight and sound of fireworks exploding in the sky. For those of us who have to witness our beloved pets in distress, it can be a less than enjoyable evening.  There are a few things that you can do to help your pet to cope with the anxiety that fireworks can cause them.  CATS Protection has issued the following advice: Treats A selection of their favourite long-lasting treats, given before the fireworks displays begin, can sometimes provide enough of a distraction to stop them from noticing the start of the noises. Even if they do not distract them for the whole of the display, any reduction in the time that they are distressed for is better than none. Safe Place Cats may feel reassured by having a cosy space in which they can curl up. If their bed has open sides then consider lining a cardboard box with towels and blankets for them to sleep in. Many cats feel safer when they are up high so placing this box on a shelf may increase their feeling of safety. Music Classic FM will be playing their pet classics, calming music specifically selected to try to help you and your pet stay relaxed, from 6pm to 10pm on Friday 5th November and Saturday 6th November. Turn it up, lay back and enjoy.  Battersea Dogs Home has this advice to add: Stay Calm Our pets are very sensitive to our emotions. If they think that you are anxious then they will be anxious too. Stay calm and reassure them in your most relaxed tones so that they can pick up from your body language and voice cues that there is nothing for them to worry about. No Evening Walks Make sure that you are home from your evening walk before it goes dark so that your dog isn't upset by any unexpectedly early fireworks.  Draw your Curtains Protect your pets from seeing the flashes from the fireworks by drawing your curtains. Having your curtains drawn can also help to muffle the sound from the fireworks.  Let Them Roam Confining a dog to one room when they are used to roaming your home can increase their distress.  we hope that these tips help you and your furry friends to have an enjoyable and distress-free Bonfire Night. If you are considering selling your home in Lanarkshire then please give us a call on 01698 441327 and we will be delighted to give you a free no-obligation valuation.

31 Aug 2023

How to winterproof your property

Winter is just around the corner so now is a great time to prepare your property for whatever weather it will bring with it.  Boilers You don't want to discover that your boiler has packed in on the day you go to turn the heating on. Give yourself time to sort out any problems by having it serviced now before it has to start working hard throughout the Winter. Radiators To ensure that your property's central heating system is working as efficiently as possible make sure that you bleed your radiators.  Pipes Using lagging to protect your pipes from freezing and bursting can save you from a nasty headache on a cold Winter morning. Insulation This is one of the best ways to reduce your energy bills this Winter. Ensuring that your loft is well insulated can help you to keep the heat in your property.  Drafts Use insulating strips or re-apply caulk around your windows if you can feel a draft. Gutters Blocked gutters can cause a lot of damage to your property so make sure that you clean them out regularly, especially during the next few weeks while the leaves are falling. Fence Make sure you fix any fences before the Winter winds attack. Garden Furniture Now is an excellent time to store your garden furniture safely away for the Winter. This will protect it from the elements and therefore prolong its life. Also no-one wants to risk having their garden chairs fly across the garden in a storm. Roof Make sure that you replace any cracked or missing roof tiles to make sure that your property stays watertight even in the harshest Winter storms.  Chimney Check that your lead flashing or pointing and mortar is in good condition. Heavy rain and a poorly looked after chimney can result in water dripping into your home damaging your walls, paint and wallpaper.  Insurance The most common insurance claims during Winter are claims for water damage from burst pipes, storm and flood damage claims, and burglary claims. Take some time to ensure that your insurance policy covers damage from extreme weather to make sure that your home is covered no matter what happens.  Blackout Kit Just in case the power goes out it is always good to have a blackout kit packed. It is a good idea to make sure that it includes snacks, bottled water, candles, matches and a power bank to charge your phone.  If you look after your property then it will keep you warm and safe all Winter.  If you are considering selling your property and would like a free no-obligation valuation please give us a call on 01698 441327 and we will be delighted to assist you.

31 Aug 2023

The pros and cons of buying a buy-to-let property

Buy-to-let property is often seen as an attractive way of accumulating wealth or as an alternative option to a pension. However, while purchasing buy-to-lets is undoubtedly a good investment, they are also a long-term commitment that requires hard work and good financial planning.  If you are unsure as to whether to take the plunge and buy your first buy-to-let property then it is definitely worth considering the pros and cons of being a landlord before you invest.  PRO  - Rental Income This is the biggest incentive for people who buy a buy-to-let property. The idea of receiving regular income that not only pays off the mortgage on their buy-to-let property but also gives them a little bit extra in their pocket each month is a very attractive one.  CON - Rental Void However, if your tenant misses a rental payment then you will be responsible for covering the mortgage payment yourself until they catch up and if you should have a period when your property is not let (a rental void) then you will be left covering all of the costs during that time too. PRO - You're your own boss If you are fortunate enough to be making enough money from your rental properties to live on then you can have complete control over your income and your own time. The ability to work the hours you choose, make all the decisions and feel completely in control of their own life is what drives many landlords to build their property portfolio. CON - Responsibilities Being a landlord means you have both legal and moral responsibilities towards your tenants and no one can choose or predict when urgent maintenance issues such as a leak may occur. For many people who are trying to hold down a full-time job alongside managing their buy-to-lets, the responsibility is too much. An easier solution is to have your properties managed by a letting agent but this will of course cut into your profit.  PRO - Allowable expenses You are permitted to deduct expenses from your rental income when working out your taxable rental profit. These expenses must be 'wholly and exclusively for the purposes of renting out the property and includes maintenance costs, utility bills, agency fees and insurance payments. CON - Costs  As soon as you start to make a profit from your buy-to-let property you are legally obliged to inform HMRC. You may be required to submit a tax return so that HMRC can calculate how much income tax you should pay. Buy-to-let property purchases are subject to higher stamp duty rates. Also when you sell a buy-to-let you must pay Capital Gains Tax on the amount that the property has increased in value during the time that you have owned it. Don't forget to factor in costs such as the deposit, survey and conveyancing fees, renovation costs and the administrative costs for inventories, deposit protection, gas safety certificates and EPCs.  Being a landlord certainly requires more time, effort and planning than most people think it does but for those willing to put in the work it can be a highly profitable endeavour.  If you are considering buying a buy-to-let property then please do give us a call on 01698 441327 and we will be delighted to help you to find the perfect property.

31 Aug 2023

The top five reasons why people decide to sell their homes

It is a big decision to decide to sell your home. It means moving your family from a home that they likely love to a new and unfamiliar one. Even if you only move locally you will still be moving away from your neighbours, familiar places and friends. Behind this life-changing decision, there is usually a compelling reason and even then studies have shown that it still takes on average two years from first thinking about selling to actually deciding to go ahead and put your property on the market. ðRelocating People need to relocate for a variety of reasons. They may have been offered a better job in a different part of the country; they may need to move to a catchment area for a better/more suitable school for their children; they may need to move closer to elderly parents or they may need to move to reduce the length of their commute to work.   ð¸Upsizing As families grow they may simply outgrow the size of their home. They may have more children or if their children share a room they may decide that they need to have their own space as they get older.  ð§Downsizing The opposite occurs as children start to leave home. Paying to heat and maintain a home larger than they need may spur empty nesters to move to a property that is a better size for their needs.  ð³Lifestyle The most common lifestyle change is a move from the city to the countryside. It is most commonly associated with couples starting families and moving from a busy city to an area where their children can have a bigger garden to run around in and where the money from the sale of their compact city property can purchase them a much larger property. However, it is not only young families that make this move. Older couples at the end of their careers may choose to move away from the busyness of city life in order to have a more peaceful retirement and others may even choose to do the reverse, moving to the city once their children are grown and flown.  ð¸Equity Release This can be done by selling and then buying a cheaper home. This is a big motivation for selling for downsizers who get the benefit of a more manageable home and a lump sum of cash to spend enjoying life. It can also be a motivator for people who love to renovate properties and then move on to the next project investing the equity they have released into their next property.  If you are considering moving please do give us a call on 01698 441327 and we will be happy to help you to decide on the best option for your family.

31 Aug 2023

How to choose the perfect buy to let property

Purchasing a buy to let property can be an excellent and rewarding investment. If you choose the correct property then a good long-term income from your investment is nearly guaranteed. However, as with all investments, there are always risks. To try to mitigate these, here are a few things that you should bear in mind when looking for your perfect buy-to-let property.  Know your target market Who is your target market? If your target market is students or young professionals you need to bear in mind their budget when they are looking for a property to rent and ensure that you do not purchase a property that will be too expensive for them to afford. Remember at all times when viewing potential properties that you are not looking to fall in love with a property for yourself. Buying a rental property should be a decision which is ruled over by your head, not your heart. Having said that, it can often help if you try to view a property through a potential tenant's eyes as opposed to through a potential landlord's eyes as that will allow you to see the things that might put a tenant off of your property.  Location, location, location Look at local amenities and transport links and choose an area that will be attractive to your target market. For example students will need to be close to their lecture halls and local amenities. Being within walking distance of local restaurants and bars would make your property even more attractive to them. Families on the other hand will be interested in the catchment areas of the local schools and how peaceful the area is. It can be wise to invest in areas that you know well as your knowledge can help you to select a tenant who will enjoy living there. Remember happy tenants equal long-term renters which means less rental voids! Go big? Smaller properties often have less rental voids than larger properties as it can be harder to find tenants for larger, high rent properties. That is not to say that you should not invest in a larger property but you must be especially aware that if you do you should take care to ensure that it is both attractive to your target market in terms of the make and type of property and in a good location for them. Do your homework Property prices rise and fall. Large profits can be made from rental income when interest rates are low but rising interest rates can be a cause for concern for landlords. Make sure that you are aware of current trends in the market and keep on top of them even after you purchase your buy to let property in order to ensure that you are aware of and therefore can prepare for any upcoming issues. If you are considering purchasing a buy to let property in Lanarkshire and have any questions or would like to join our  early bird list then please give us a call and we will be delighted to assist you.

31 Aug 2023

August 2022 Market Report for Lanarkshire

August has been a month of extremes: a heat wave, first holidays abroad in 2 years, and constant talk of the cost of living increases. This is causing widespread worry, which is an uncomfortable feeling for many.  It's also causing people to reassess their lifestyles and make changes where they're able. Many people are considering downsizing in order to reduce their bills or release equity. The property market continues to move, as it always will, with families growing, people passing away, and moving jobs. Let's have a brief look at what's been happening over the last month in the local property market around Lanarkshire. There are currently 681 properties available on the market in the area. The month prior there were 573, with 557 in June, and 547 in May. The increasing numbers of available properties is perhaps indicative of the heat having left the market as properties aren't getting snapped up as fast as they were. Things are started to calm back down to normal levels and there is now more choice once again for buyers. There are also more properties coming onto the market each month. In May, there were 315, June there were 345, July 348, and in August 369. This could explain the higher number of available properties as there were more to choose from. In August, 364 sales were agreed. In July, 289 sales were agreed. The month before, 317 sales were agreed. In May, 291 sales were agreed. As more properties come to the market, more sales are happening. Although the media has been talking about the market cooling, the local facts are that there is still a lot of activity. In May, there were 15 price reductions. There were 26 price reductions in June and in July, we saw 30 price reductions across the Lanarkshire property market as a whole. In August, this number jumped up to 51. This could imply that some sellers' or agents' expectations of what the market is prepared to pay are not in line with the reality.  In August, there were 71 slow movers in the Lanarkshire area. This means a property that has been on the market for 12 weeks or more. This could be due to the market returning to more normal levels but expectations still being at the peak levels. In July, there were 49 slow movers on the market In June, there were 53 and in May, there were 50.  Slow movers can often be due to the 3 Ps - presentation, promotion, or price. We are proud to be in the top 10 agents in the area with the smallest numbers of slow movers. Choosing the right agent for your property can make a very real difference to achieving your moving plans. In May, each property in the Lanarkshire area had average daily views on Rightmove per property of 246. In June, this figure was 223 and July it was 189. In August, this number has jumped back up to 221. This shows the high levels of activity in the local Lanarkshire property market, which are likely to increase or at the very least, remain strong in the final quarter of the year. If you're looking for further information about the Lanarkshire property market, or if you're thinking of selling or buying in the area, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can call 01698 441327 or email sales@lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk.

31 Aug 2023

How to make the most of your outdoor space during the colder months

Your garden or outdoor space really comes into its own during the Summer months. Flowers bloom, birds sing and the sunshine basks everything in a warm and welcoming glow that entices us outside. You would be forgiven for thinking that once the glorious days of Summer are over that your outdoor space will become uninviting and unusable until the warmer days of Spring start to encourage you back outside but, this doesn't have to be the case. ð¡Light Nothing makes us scurry inside faster than the nights drawing in. Your garden doesn't have to be dark and gloomy as soon as the sun goes down though. Install some exterior lights and you will soon be able to enjoy your garden late into the evening. If you don't have an outdoor plug, solar powered lights are both cheap to buy and low maintenance and just a few strings of solar powered fairy lights can turn a dark and unwelcoming garden into an inviting and cheerful one. ðWinter house Many of us have Summer houses in our gardens. They are lovely places to spend time reading, resting, socialising and enjoying our hobbies in. There is no need to stop using them as soon as Summer ends. Add a few blankets to make them nice and cosy and they can be transformed from a shady place from which to enjoy your garden in the Summer into a snug and welcoming space to enjoy your outdoors from indoors during the colder months. ð¥Heat it up A well placed fire pit or chiminea can provide enough warmth to take the edge off of the chill in the evenings. As the year progresses take inspiration from Winter wonderlands and add a warm coat, a few blankets and some hot chocolate and keep socialising in your garden throughout the year.  ð¢Keep cooking You don't have to stop cooking outside just because Summer has ended. Outdoor pizza ovens are suitable to be used all year round and a well placed gazebo can allow you to use your BBQ even when the rain is pouring down. Investing in a gas BBQ with a good hood will even mean that you can still use it when the wind is howling, if you want to!  If you are considering selling your home in Lanarkshire and would like some more tips on how you can make the most of your outdoor areas during the colder months please do give us a call on 01698 441327.

31 Aug 2023

18 Money Saving Tips to Help with the Rising Cost of Living

The rising cost of living is affecting everyone and online forums are buzzing with tips on how to reduce your outgoings. If you need some money-saving tips then look no further. We have rounded up our favourites here. Heat the room, not the house Turn off radiators in rooms that you are not using and consider investing in separate thermostatic controls that allow you to control the heat in individual rooms. Don't leave devices on standby 'Vampire devices' are estimated to cost the average household £147 a year. LED bulbs Switching to LED bulbs may be an expensive upfront cost but they can use up to 85% less energy to run than a traditional 60W bulb. They also tend to last significantly longer so will pay for themselves in months. One degree That is all you need to turn your thermostat down by to make savings of up to £127.70 per year according to Uswitch. Use a comparison website Check that you are on the cheapest energy tariff possible by using an online comparison website. Smart thermostats These automatically turn your heating down when you leave the house so you can avoid paying to heat your home when no-one is there. Draughts Prevent your heat from escaping and cold air from whistling in by using draught excluders to block any gaps around your doors. Don't use your tumble dryer Take advantage of the warmer days to dry your washing outside or invest in a heated drying rack for rainy days. Night time savings Check to see if your energy company charges less for energy used at particular times of the day. Many companies charge less for energy between 10pm and 5am. Don't put too much in It might seem like a sensible idea to put as much in your washing machine or tumble dryer as you can to avoid having to run it a second time but if your machine is too full then it will not only struggle to adequately wash or dry your clothes but it will also use more energy to run as it has to work harder. 30 degrees Your washing machine can use up to 50% less energy when it is run on a 30-degree cycle instead of a 40-60 degree one and experts say that your clothes will be just as clean. Eco cycles These do take longer but they are more energy efficient. Dryer balls These separate the washing inside your tumble dryer which allows the air to circulate better. This in turn helps the water to evaporate quicker. Look down Most supermarkets stock cheaper versions of items on the lower shelves so make sure that you always look down. Look for yellow stickers Supermarkets often reduce the price of stock that will shortly be going out of date throughout the day. If you are undecided about what to have for dinner this can be a great way to get a bargain. Batch cook Batch cooking saves energy as you cook several meals at once in your oven. Use your microwave to reheat these meals as it is much more energy efficient to reheat food in there than in the oven. Just a cuppa Only put as much water in your kettle as you need so that you are not wasting energy boiling water you won't use. Use your kettle to boil your cooking water before putting it in the pan as it will use less energy than a hob uses to bring the water to the boil. Bulk up Use frozen vegetables to bulk up recipes which contain mince. Lasagne, shepherd's pie and spaghetti bolognese all work well with 50/50 quantities of mince and frozen vegetables and it may even encourage your children to eat more veg. If the rising cost of living is making you consider downsizing in Lanarkshire then please do give us a call on 01698 441327 and we will be happy to help you to come to the best decision for your family.

31 Aug 2023

DIY dos and DIY don\'ts!

The sun is shining and the long Summer evenings make us feel like we have plenty of time in the day. Plenty of time to get on with all of those jobs that we kept putting off during Winter! For many of us now is the best time to get out our tools and fix things that have been bothering us and upgrade our homes.  However, you should always keep in mind that any DIY you do to your property should not just create a better and more enjoyable home for yourself and your family but should also add value to your property when you decide to sell it. You may be surprised to know that some DIY projects can actually devalue your home and DIY disasters can cost homeowners 1000s of pounds to fix.   Be realistic We all know it's tempting to try and save some money by doing jobs around our homes ourselves but if you are not particularly gifted at DIY then consider getting a professional in to help.  Start small Small jobs are a great place to start building up your skills and your confidence. Start by replacing broken light bulbs, oiling creaky hinges and fixing broken kitchen cabinet handles. If small jobs are neglected in your home then it can give the impression to visitors or potential buyers that your home is not cared for and may cause them to worry that there are bigger problems that they have not noticed.  First impressions Once you have finished all the small jobs the first thing that should get your attention is the front of your home. It is true that first impressions matter and whether you want to increase your kerb appeal in order to attract potential buyers or if you would simply like to impress your guests, the state of the front of your home is the first thing that they will see. A fresh coat of paint on your front door and a clean and tidy front path will make your home a welcoming place to visit. Not convinced? Good kerb appeal can add 2-3% to the value of your home! Bathrooms Beware of removing baths in favour of trendy wet rooms. These can actually devalue your home as properties without baths are less attractive to families. This will decrease the pool of people your home attracts which means less competition for your property which can lead to a lower sale price.   No DIY   If you are no good at DIY and can't afford to hire the help of professionals then there are many things that you can do to improve your home that require no DIY skills at all. Decluttering your home can have a huge effect on the feel of your home as can a deep clean.  If you are considering a big DIY project or major renovation then do give us a call on 01698 441327 to discuss how it will affect your property price. Not all projects will add value to your home and you should also be aware of the maximum price that your properties will sell for in your area to avoid spending more than you can recoup.  We are always happy to give you our professional opinion on any renovation plans that you may have so please do give us a call on 01698 441327.

31 Aug 2023

Six reasons people are not buying your home that might surprise you

A recent survey revealed the top six things that can put potential buyers off of your home and they are not all as obvious as you might think. Clutter Clutter can make rooms feel smaller and is very off putting to buyers especially if they have to step over or go around it. Take some time to declutter your property. If you cannot bear to let go of items then consider renting a storage unit to put some of your things in until you move. Dirt You cannot clean too much when you are preparing your home for a viewing. Potential buyers are trying to envisage whether they can see themselves living in your property. Yes, dirty properties can be cleaned but most people find it hard to conjure up an image of what something can look like. So make sure that the image that you provide for them is a clean and welcoming one. Clingy Sellers Of course you are anxious to know how a viewing is going and want to make sure that the potential buyers are shown all of the most charming parts of your property. However, sellers that loiter during a viewing are more likely to put buyers off than encourage them to make an offer. This is because potential buyers need to have the opportunity to visualise themselves living in your property and that is much harder if the current homeowner is standing right in front of them constantly reminding them of the life that they are living in the property. Smells Unpleasant odours are a big no no for potential buyers. Make sure that you take the time to find the source of any unpleasant odours and deal with them. While you may be tempted to burn your favourite scented candle, be aware that no scent, however strong, can mask an unpleasant odour. Instead you end up with a mix of the two scents which can be highly unpleasant. Fresh air is the most attractive scent to buyers so make sure that your property has been well aired before any viewings. The Goldilocks Effect If a potential buyer feels too hot or too cold it will affect their perception of your home. You don't want them to think of your property as 'the cold house' or 'the hot house'. You want them to be as comfortable as possible during the viewing. 21°C is an ideal temperature, so consider adjusting your thermostat accordingly a couple of hours before each viewing. Your estate agent Rude and unhelpful agents don't only annoy potential buyers, they may put them off of purchasing your property completely. Take some time when selecting your agent to talk to them about the local area and their experience of selling similar properties like yours. If you don't find them to be knowledgeable and approachable then your potential buyers won't either and it is important that when you leave them alone with your potential buyers during viewings that they have the social skills to be able to turn a potential buyer into an offer. If you would like more advice on what you can do to present your property in its best light during viewings or are considering selling in the Lanarkshire area and would like a free no obligation valuation then please don't hesitate to give us a call on 01698 441327.

31 Aug 2023

How to make sure that your plants don\'t suffer if you have a hosepipe ban

We've all been enjoying the recent hot weather. However, water companies have struggled to keep up with demand during such a prolonged dry period resulting in them imposing a hosepipe ban in many parts of the country. For many of us our gardens are our pride and joy and a well-kept garden can add a significant amount to the value of our homes. So how can you make sure that your plants don't wither without a daily soaking from your hosepipe? Compost Adding compost to your borders and pots will increase your soil's capacity to hold water. It also has the dual benefit of protecting your plants from heavy downpours should the weather suddenly turn.  Don't mow your lawn Freshly cut grass loses more moisture than uncut grass so reduce how often you mow your lawn to help it to retain moisture. When you do choose to mow it make sure that you do it during the coolest part of the day and leave it longer than you normally would so that it can provide shade to the soil. That will help to reduce the amount of moisture that will evaporate from the soil.  Mulch Stop soil from drying out by placing a layer of mulch on top of it. This will stop it from being directly exposed to the sun. It will also help to keep the soil moist after watering. Freshly cut grass makes a brilliant mulch so instead of popping it in your compost when you finish mowing your lawn pop it on your borders instead.  Choose your pots wisely Unsealed terracotta pots allow water to evaporate from the soil. Black plastic pots heat up in the sunshine drying the soil inside them out faster than lighter coloured pots. To combat moisture loss choose sealed terracotta pots or buy a specialised sealer to seal your pots. Water in the morning It can be tempting to give your plants an entire watering can full of water after a long hot day, however on hot days the best thing to do is actually to water them early in the morning. This is because if roots are left sitting in water all night they can start to rot. Also if water remains on the leaves overnight it can cause fungi to grow. On particularly hot days the best thing you can do for your plants is to water them early but thoroughly so that the soil has the best chance possible to stay moist for as long as possible. This will give your plants the best chance of staying hydrated throughout the day.  If you would like to know how much value your beautiful garden is adding to your home in Lanarkshire please give us a call on 01698 441327 and we will be delighted to give you a free no obligation valuation.

31 Aug 2023

How to make moving home less stressful

Moving home is an emotional time. You may be sad to be leaving your old home but at the same time be excited about moving into your new one. Finding the right home for you and your family can be a stressful experience and then just when you have finished jumping through all of the necessary hoops and signing all of the paperwork the most stressful part of all begins, moving! However, with a little bit of planning you can help to reduce some of the moving day stress and make moving into your new home a more enjoyable experience.  Start now If you are reading this blog then it is likely that you are either fast approaching your moving day, are actively looking to move or are considering moving. Whichever of these best describes you it is never too early to start getting ready to move. The best way to start is to get decluttering. It's easy to think that you have lots of time and everyone loves a bit of procrastination but the sooner that you start dealing with all of your excess clutter the less stressed you will be in the long run as you will have less to pack.  Get ahead If you really can't bear to get rid of some of your belongings but also know that you won't need them before you move then why not take the opportunity to get ahead with your packing and pop them in a box so that they are ready to go. Measure Will your furniture fit in your new home? If not then paying to move it will be a waste of money and finding out now will be less stressful than finding out on moving day. If you have sentimental attachment to any particular piece then see if a family member would like to use it until you move again otherwise see it as an opportunity to start afresh in your new home. Label it Clearly labelling each box with its destination and contents will make it easier for the removal company (or you) to know which room to put each box in on moving day. If you unexpectedly need something before you move and have already packed it then clear labels will make it easier to find it too. The same applies when you are in your new home and need something before you have finished unpacking.  The night before Pack yourself a bag with your important paperwork, identity documents, daily medication, toiletries, chargers and a change of clothes. You may find that you are too tired on the first evening in your new home to start unpacking so make sure that you have everything you need to be able to comfortably spend the first night in your new home in that bag.  Try to relax Moving day can be stressful. Try to avoid putting extra pressure on yourself by setting yourself goals about what time you want to be in by as delays can happen, or how quickly you must unpack. By approaching the day with a relaxed attitude you will be much more resilient to and therefore less stressed if any hiccups occur. Just focus on how you are going to feel at the end of the day when you are settled in your lovely new home and use that feeling to help carry you through the stresses of the day. If you are thinking of moving in Lanarkshire and would like more advice on moving home then please do give us a call on 01698 441327.

31 Aug 2023


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