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How to Sell Your Home Fast

Posted in   Aug 31 , 2023

Tips and Tricks on How to Sell Your Home Fast

Selling a home can be a long and stressful process, especially if you need to sell fast. Whether you're selling due to a job transfer, financial reasons, or you simply want to move to a new home, there are a few things you can do to help your home sell as quickly as possible. 

1. Work with a good friendly estate agent 

If you're looking to sell fast, one of the best things you can do is work with a good estate agent. They'll be able to help you determine a fair asking price, list your home on MLS, and market your property to potential buyers. Looking for a great estate agent contact us now 

2. Make your home more appealing 

You only have one chance to make a great first impression, so take some time to make sure your home is looking its best. This may mean power washing the exterior, planting some flowers in the front yard, or giving the inside of your home a fresh coat of paint. 

The key here is to focus on the big impact items that have the lowest costs to remedy. Painting rooms or decluttering can have a massive impact on viewers within the property. Even something as simple as cutting the grass or weeding your path can give great first impressions. 

3. Be flexible with showings 

The more flexible you are with showings, the more likely it is that your home will sell quickly. If you're only available for showings on weekends or in the evenings, you may end up waiting longer to find a buyer. 

At Lanarkshire Law Estate Agents we can show people around your home to take the stress out of doing this yourself. on average we find that by the estate agents showing people round your property we can achieve an offer on your property within 10 days compared to 23 days on average when the homeowner conducts their own viewings.

4. Stage your home 

Staging is when you choose furniture and decor that will appeal to potential buyers and help them visualize themselves living in your home. This can be anything from rearranging your existing furniture to renting pieces from a staging company. 

5. Be prepared to negotiate 

Once you receive an offer on your home, be prepared to negotiate. If the offer is significantly lower than your asking price, try counteroffer with a price that's closer to what you were hoping for. However, don't be too inflexible; if you're not willing to negotiate at all, potential buyers may look elsewhere. 

6. Have realistic expectations 

When listing your home, it's important to have realistic expectations about how long it will take to sell and how much money you'll ultimately make from the sale. Work with your real estate agent to come up with an appropriate asking price and timeline for selling your property. 

7. Get rid of smells

The single largest turnoff for potential purchasers is offensive odours. Fix the source of the odour rather than just covering them up. Clean out trash cans, unclog drains, open windows, air out the kitchen of odours from previous cooking sessions, throw out cigarette smoke-stained furniture, and wash any soiled bed sheets.

Place basins of vinegar about the house and leave out for three days if you smoke. Although the vinegar smells when the windows are opened, it quickly dissipates, carrying most of the stale cigarette odour with it.

Conversely, good smells can make a property feel more welcoming.  Even though it could not be feasible to bake fresh loaves of bread, cakes, or brownies for every visitor to your home, you could possibly make some fresh coffee.

In Summary

Selling a home doesn't have to be difficult; by following these tips, you can have a better chance of selling quickly and without too much stress. If you are stressed then there is lots of websites that can offer help

Selling a property can be really tough- specially if time is not on your side! but don't lose hope! There are things that YOU can do in order guide yourself through this process smoothly while also ensuring that everything happens in according timing! following these simple steps can result in smooth sale!!

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