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Five signs that it\'s the right time to downsize

People downsize for a variety of reasons. Downsizing is selling your home in order to buy a smaller one. If you are thinking about downsizing but are still not sure whether it is the right decision for you we have rounded up the top five reasons that people downsize below. Maintenance Larger houses require more work to maintain them. This isn't just limited to repairs but also weekly cleaning and basic upkeep. Maybe you are finding that you are not as mobile as you used to be, or that your priorities have changed and you would rather spend more time with family and friends rather than maintaining your home. Choosing to downsize can reduce the amount of maintenance that you have to do, freeing up your time to do more things that you enjoy. Space As families grow they need more space so over the years you will probably have moved several times to accommodate your growing family. However, once your children have grown and flown the nest you may well find that you feel like you are rattling around in a big empty home with lots of unused bedrooms. If you have more rooms than you know what to do with then it may be time to consider downsizing. Health Is maintaining your home taking its toll on your health? Or maybe you have developed some mobility issues and even with adaptations you are finding it difficult to cope with moving around in your home. A smaller property is not only easier to maintain but many people choose to downsize into a home with no stairs to assist with or prepare for potential mobility issues. How does your home make you feel? You should feel happy, safe and comfortable in your home. If these are not the feelings that your home elicits from you then you should definitely be considering moving. This is particularly true if being in your home makes you feel sad, lonely or scared. While moving will not automatically solve all of your problems, a fresh start in a new community may give you the opportunity to make new friends and feel safer. Bills The larger the property, the bigger the bills. The sharp increases in energy bills and the rising cost of living may be making you consider downsizing to reduce the size of your bills and make your monthly outgoings more sustainable. Alternatively if you have recently retired or if you or your partner have started to reduce your working hours then you may quickly find that your outgoings have started to outweigh your incomings. Downsizing can help to make your bills more manageable. Choosing to downsize can be an emotional decision. If you would like to have an honest and sympathetic discussion about whether downsizing is right for you please give us a call on 01698 441327.

31 Aug 2023

How can sellers make the most of the Summer rush?

Summer is a great time to sell your property. The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Summer galvanises homebuyers as they realise that if they wish to be in their new homes by Christmas they need to find their new home fast. So what can you do to take advantage of the busiest period of the year for the housing market? Viewings You don't have to press pause on selling your property just because you are on holiday. If you are happy for your estate agent to conduct viewings in your absence then you can just leave them a key and let them get on with it. You can decide if you'd like them to call you and tell you about any offers that have been made while you are away or if you would like them to wait to tell you until you get home. Alternatively if you would prefer for viewings to be done when you are around but think having them scattered throughout the school summer holidays will be a bit too stressful why not talk to your estate agent and ask if they can arrange for them all to happen on a few set dates. Children The summer holidays are busy for estate agents and even busier for parents. If you are concerned about being able to manage keeping your home ready to view while your children are at home try involving them in the task. Talk to them about why you are moving and the advantages of doing so and encourage them to take on the responsibility of keeping an area, like their bedroom, clean and tidy. If you need to bribe them with extra pocket money or treats promise no-one will think less of you! Outdoor areas A survey by financialreporter.co.uk revealed that a garden and/or outdoor space was at the top of 92% of homebuyer's wishlists and Summer is the perfect time of the year to show off yours. So make sure that your garden is looking its best by keeping paths weeded, hedges and lawns trimmed, and that you take advantage of summer blooms to fill your garden with bright and welcoming colour. It doesn't take long for a lawn to get out of hand or for weeds to start to encroach on your flower borders so if you are going on holiday and will be away for more than a week consider employing a gardener to keep on top of it while you are away. This is a particularly good idea if your estate agent will be conducting viewings while you are away. Surveys Have you already accepted an offer and don't want your holiday to delay or derail your sale? If you are happy for a surveyor to come round while you are away then make sure that you leave a key with your estate agent for them to pick up. This can avoid any delays with your buyer's mortgage application and help to make sure that both you and your buyer can be settled in your new homes by Christmas. If you would like to discuss how we can help you to sell your home in Lanarkshire this Summer so that you can be in your new home by Christmas please give us a call on 01698 441327.

31 Aug 2023

Lanarkshire Property Market Report June 2022

The school summer holidays are upon us and the increased presence of the entire family at home makes many people start to think about whether their current home is still suitable for their needs. For example, you may discover that you need more space now your children are bigger or perhaps you would like a bigger garden for when your grandchildren visit. Perhaps you would prefer to live somewhere quieter now your own children are grown. If you are thinking about moving, be aware that if you want to be settled into your new home in time for Christmas, you need to be considering putting your property on the market now. It takes between four to eight weeks to purchase a property in Scotland. However, add to that the time it takes to get your property ready to go on the market, perfect the marketing, show people around, and negotiate an offer, and you can see why you need to get on with it now in order to allow yourself to be settled in by Christmas. Let's have a brief look at what's been happening over the last month in the local property market around Lanarkshire. There are currently 200 properties available on the market in the area. The month prior there were 188. This suggests properties are not selling with quite the speed they were last month. However, there were 116 new properties that came to the market in May. In June, there were 130. This could explain the reason for the higher number of available properties as there were more to choose from. In June, 125 sales were agreed. The month before, 107 sales were agreed. These figures are what we would expect to see considering the different numbers available on the market in both months. The number of price reductions doubled May to June.  There are 17 slow movers on the market in the Lanarkshire area. This means a property that has been on the market for 12 weeks or more. In May, there were 21 so some of those properties have either sold now or come off the market.  A slow mover can happen because of several reasons. For example, poor presentation of the property - either internally or the photos/video, reliance on one marketing channel, or it can be because the price isn't correct for the current market. In May, each property in the Lanarkshire area had average daily views on Rightmove per property of 244. This is the average of the top ten agents in the area. Some agents are only averaging 79 per property per day. It really can make a difference to your chances of selling your home by choosing the right agent. Our average daily views in June were 310, which we are so pleased about for our clients.  Read more about how to choose the right estate agent in Lanarkshire for your home and your circumstances here. The market has slowed a little, and there are suggestions that it may slow further so now is the time to sell, especially if you wish to be in your new home before Christmas. If you're looking for further information about the Lanarkshire property market, or if you're thinking of selling or buying in the area, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can call 01698 441327 or email sales@lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk.

31 Aug 2023

How to make moving house stress free for your children

Moving house is very exciting. Choosing an area to live in, whittling down your list of priorities for your new home and then putting together a shortlist of properties can be very exhilarating. However, it is easy in the midst of this excitement to forget that the decisions you are making do not only affect you but your children as well. Children can often feel overwhelmed and apprehensive about something as big as a house move. That is why it is important to involve them as much as possible from the start.  Over the years we have helped hundreds of families find their dream homes in Lanarkshire and have picked up a few tips on how to help your children feel involved and become as enthused about moving as you are. Everyone is apprehensive about things they do not know about or understand so take the time to explain to your children why you are moving: is it for a bigger garden, more space or because you wish to live in a more convenient location? Explain the benefits of moving to them and don't forget to listen to their concerns and opinions.  Giving them some autonomy over the choice of the paint colour or furniture for their new room can give them a sense of having some control in this new adventure which will help to make it feel less scary and out of their control. First viewings are best attended without your little ones, obviously, this is not always possible and they are always welcome. However, my reason for suggesting this is simply because you may decide a property may be completely unsuitable for you but your child may decide the opposite so will be disappointed when you disagree.  Leaving your little ones at home will also mean that you can concentrate on the viewing without your child trying to hold a conversation with you at the same time or you having to worry about what your children are touching. We have all been there! Choosing to take your children on second viewings when you have already decided that the property is a contender allows you to involve them in the selection process and runs less risk of disappointing them if you don't choose the property they have set their hearts on.  Finally, on moving day make sure that you pack their most treasured belongings into a bag that they can keep hold of. Avoiding a panic about where their favourite cuddly toy is will make the day a lot less stressful for them and give them the comfort of knowing that whilst everything in the rest of the house is packed in boxes they are still able to cuddle and play with the things that make them feel safe. We are always delighted to help your children feel involved in the process of finding their new home. If you would like us to help find the perfect property for your whole family in the Lanarkshire area please just give us a call on 01698 441327

31 Aug 2023

How To Kick Start The Selling Process

There are a number of important steps you should take before selling your home. When you decide to put your home on the market there are a number of people you should contact, we are here to give you useful tips on how to start the selling process. We want to help you kick start the legal process. Get a property valuation Once you have decided you want to sell your home you can instruct an estate agent to value your property, this will ensure you know what you can expect to achieve. Contact a solicitor If you do not already have a solicitor now would be a good time to find the right one to suit your needs. In order to sell your property and kick start the legal process you will need a solicitor to carry out the conveyancing. Your solicitor will check over your title deeds. They will also inform you if there are other authorities you need to contact about the sale of your home. A solicitor is also important after you have sold your property as this is when majority of the conveyancing takes place. If you need a solicitor and are not sure where to turn contact our sister company Lanarkshire Law Practice. They offer a 5 star service and have experts available to ensure the sale of your home is stress free. Home Report One of the first things you must do before putting your property on the market is get a home report. A home report is there to give not only potential buyers, but yourself as a seller more information about the condition of your home. The Home Report has three documents: The property questionnaire, and the single survey are completed by yourself (the seller). The energy report and full Home report are prepared by a chartered surveyor.  Things to consider Before putting your home up for sale you should: Contact a mortgage lender to see how much money is needed to pay off your current mortgage. A mortgage advisor can also advise you of your affordability when buying a new home. Read over your home report carefully and consider whether it's worth doing any repairs, maintenance or redecorating Make sure your solicitor knows about any changes you've ever made to the house. If you have previously added onto your home then it is important to notify your solicitor and give proof of your planning permission. Check out more tips on how to sell your home here: https://lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk/how-to-sell-your-home https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLawEstateAgents https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLaw

31 Aug 2023

Sell Your Home This Summer

We appreciate that selling your home can be stressful especially as you don't sell a property every day. Lanarkshire Law Estate Agents are here to share our knowledge and take the stress out of selling your home. Here's why you should sell your home this summer. Supply And Demand It's no secret that the property market is booming. Sellers are achieving excellent prices for their home, with buyers heavily outweighing sellers. Properties are flying off the market leaving many disappointed buyers, and this is one of the reasons you should sell your home this summer. With buyers outweighing sellers you are more likely to have more people looking to view your home, which most often than not results in more people offering to buy your home. If you have several parties interested you can set a closing which encourages buyers to go in with their best and final price, meaning you get the best outcome. Competition With buyer demand being so high it results in less competition when selling your home. As you get towards the end of summer and the school holidays are in full swing the market tends to quieten down which can be a great opportunity to get your house on the market. At the start of summer, you may find yourself up against those properties that didn't sell over the spring, possibly due to them being overpriced. Take this into consideration when deciding what price to market your property at. Viewings With the lighter nights creeping in and longer days, it allows more time for viewings. No one wants to view a property in the dead of night. Selling your home in the summer months allows more time for viewings. Natural Light The majority of house hunters are drawn to "light and bright" homes, your property will show its best during those sunny summer months with natural light shining in. In addition, summertime also typically means the grass is green, the air is clearer, and people tend to be happier. Summer Kerb Appeal Boosting your property's kerb appeal can help you sell your home during any month. It is especially important during those summer months to ensure your garden looks its best. Sweep the paths, trim the bushes, pull up weeds, paint add some plant pots.  Potential buyers will want to envision themselves enjoying those summer months in the garden, by increasing your kerb appeal you are making your property much more appealing. See more on Kerb Appeal here- https://lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk/top-tips-for-curb-appeal/ Estate Agent If you want to get the best price for your home this summer, chose a reputable Estate Agent with local knowledge. Lanarkshire Law Estate agents are here to take the stress out of selling your home, we want to get the best outcome for all our clients. Book your free property valuation now and sell your home with LLEA this summer. Legal Matters For most people the buying and selling of their home is one of the most important legal transactions they will enter into and it can be a stressful time too. Don't forget to contact our sister company Lanarkshire Law Practice for all your conveyancing needs. https://lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk/property-valuation https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLawEstateAgents https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLaw

31 Aug 2023

Top Tips For Curb Appeal

Spring is fast approaching and with those lighter nights creeping in you want to ensure everything is looking its best. Start your spring clean by getting the curb appeal. First impressions really are everything, and what your home looks like from the outside can say a lot about what it may look like from the inside. If you're fortunate enough to have a house with a garden, It is super important to have the curb appeal. You'd be amazed how many buyers turn up, see a messy garden, dirty windows or a front door that needs painting and just keep on walking past. Clean Up Cleaning up your garden may seem like a never ending chore, but it doesn't have to take forever to get your garden looking fresh and tidy. By simply taking out the weeds in your garden it can make a huge difference to the curb appeal. It really can have your garden looking great. Take Care Of Your Grass An overgrown garden can look untidy, pick up any lose branches/leaves and give your grass a good trim. By simply cutting your grass it can make your garden look a lot tidier giving it that curb appeal. Don't forget trimming the edges of your grass! Get out that strimmer and some sheers and give it a good trim. Clean Garden Furniture Wiping away those cobwebs and dirty marks is a two second job but really makes a huge impact. Take a couple of minutes to wipe down all your garden furniture. If you really want to go the extra mile you could add a lick of paint. Freshen Up Your Pots And Planters If you have any plants consider removing old soil and dead plants to make way for new ones. If you don't have a green thumb you can always buy some fakes to add a splash of colour to the garden. Windows Get out that window cleaning kit and give your windows a good clean, you'd be amazed how much of an effect clean windows can have to the curb appeal of your house. https://www.instagram.com/lanarkshireestateagent https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLawEstateAgents

31 Aug 2023

How to Get the Best Price for your Home

We appreciate that a quick sale may be some sellers' best option, however is selling in a day really going to get you the best price for your biggest asset? We want to help you get the best price for your home. Selling your property to the first person that has viewed/put an offer in may leave you wondering "Could I have got a better price?" Property Market We are in a unique market where the number of buyers massively outnumber the amount of houses for sale This makes it the perfect time for you to get the best price for your home. You may find that in the first few days people are throwing offers at you. Don't leave yourself wondering if you could have achieved more for your home. We understand that depending on your circumstances a quick sale may be the best option for you, however if you are looking to achieve the maximum price for your property why settle for the first offer? By waiting at least 5-7 days before accepting an offer this allows more people to view your home. This in turn means more people will consider offering on your home. If several people are interested in buying your property a closing date will be set allowing all interested parties a fair chance to submit their offers. Closing Date This is simply the date set by the seller and their Estate Agent for any buyers interested in making an offer You would set a closing date once a property has more than 1 buyer wishing to offer. All interested parties will be invited to bring their best and final bids to the estate agent before the closing date. As all bids are blind, the buyer generally bids high to be in the best position to secure the purchase. It is the fairest way to settle competing offers and the benefit to you, the seller.....you will achieve a far higher price. Get the best price for your home with Lanarkshire Law Estate agent Selling your home doesn't have to be stressful. We work hard to take the stress out of selling your home from the very beginning. Our passion is to do all the hard work so you don't have to! Book you free valuation now! https://lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk/instant-online-valuation https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLawEstateAgents https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLaw

31 Aug 2023

Top tips to boost the value of your home

When selling your home you want to make sure you get the best price possible so here are some top tips to boost the value of your home. Your house is only worth what a potential buyer is willing to pay, an estate agent can advise you on if its best to put your home straight on the market or make some changes to boost the value. Get a free property valuation to find out how much your property might be worth Below we have some house valuation tips to help boost the value of your home First impressions count A buyer will have an impression of your property before they even enter, this is why it is important your home is as attractive from the outside as it is in the inside. If you have a garden consider tidying it up by cutting the grass or trimming the hedges. You'd be amazed how many buyers turn up, see a messy garden, dirty windows or a front door that needs painting and just keep on walking past. When your property goes on the market buyers may drive by your property and these simple things can be the reason a potential buyer decides your home isn't for them. Its all about "curb appeal" DIY Jobs The DIY jobs that may seem minor and you have forgotten about can be the difference in a potential buyer paying top dollar or holding back. Leaky taps, scuffed floor tiles, chipped skirting boards or exposed light fittings are all minor issues that can be fixed easily. If you have any quick fixes around the house consider getting them fixed. As small as the job may seem it can have a big impact on a potential buyers decision. Showing off your space can boost the value of your home Showing off your space doesn't have to involve you doing anything drastic to your home. Anything you haven't used for a year or so, chuck it in the bin. Why drag it along to your new place to get covered in dust there too? Make a fresh start! Clearing out the clutter will also make your property more attractive to buyers. Get as much daylight into your rooms as possible. That way your home will feel larger and more open. Roll up the blinds, pull back the curtains and put a lampshade into any dark corners to 'open' them out. Changing your home isn't always essential, many buyers will be interested in buying your home just the way it is. Speak to our friendly team at LLEA for some expert advise and get a free valuation of your home. https://lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk/property-valuation https://lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk/property-valuationhttps://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLawEstateAgentshttps://www.instagram.com/lanarkshireestateagents

31 Aug 2023

Our Most Asked Questions From Sellers

Here at Lanarkshire Law Estate Agents we spend every day speaking to many buyers and sellers, we have comprised a list of our most asked questions as an estate agent. How much does a valuation cost? For the most part all estate agents offer a free property valuation service. Here at Lanarkshire Law Estate Agents all our property valuations are free of charge. If you are looking for a valuation for mortgaging purposes you should speak to a surveyor regarding costs. Click here to book your free property valuation. What are your fees? We look to tailor our fee package to suit each individual seller. We offer both a fixed fee and a percentage of the sale. This can be discussed at your property valuation. When are fees due? Upfront fees....no one wants to hear this when selling their home. The only upfront cost to sell your home with LLEA is your home report. This allows you to sit back and relax while we do all the work and fees can be paid on date of entry and fees will come off the proceeds of sale. Who will conduct viewings? Our number one priority is our clients and we want to make the selling process stress free and enjoyable for our sellers. Whether you want to make yourself scarce and let us do all the work or get knees deep in viewings the choice is yours. If you would prefer to be present when the viewings are taking place that can also be arranged. We also don't charge an extra fee for accompanied viewings. How are viewings going? From the beginning to end of the selling process we keep our sellers up to date with everything. We contact all our clients to inform them of viewings booked for the day and also let them know the feedback from the day before. All our clients are kept fully up to date throughout the selling process and right through the conveyancing to the point of date of entry. Can you recommend a solicitor? Lanarkshire Law Estate Agents offer a one stop shop when it comes to selling your home. Our sister company Lanarkshire Law Practice are available to take care of all your conveyancing. We ensure each and everyone of our clients have a 5-star service, we really do everything but the packing. https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLawEstateAgents https://www.facebook.com/LanarkshireLaw

31 Aug 2023

COVID-19 Guidelines

As of the 4th of January 2021, the Scottish Government has given the green light for the property market to continue operating during the restrictions. This means that we are still able to provide our services to those interested in selling or moving house. We have put in place some guidance to help protect our vendors, staff and customers. It is important that we all follow these rules to ensure the safety of everyone and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. COVID 19 is making its way through the UK Please find below some frequently asked questions and answers as well as our guidance on how to remain safe while selling or buying a property. Can I still move house during the current lockdown? Yes. The Scottish Government has permitted house moves to still go ahead. This means you are still able to sell or buy a property in Scotland in tier 4. Please see our guidance further below on current procedures in place to keep everyone safe. Is your office open? We are currently in the process of moving to a new office and hope to be working from there when able. Please keep an eye on our Facebook for more updates. We thank you for your patience. Is now a good time to sell my property? Yes! Rightmove data showed that sales went up over the festive period and we expect interest to continue through the New Year. Despite restrictions, people are still very much interested in buying properties. Can I still get a valuation? How is it carried out? You can still get a free valuation for your property. One of our agents will come out to value the property and follow guidelines to ensure your safety. We also offer desktop valuations if you would prefer but we advise that it is best for someone to value the property in person. The agent will wear a face mask during the valuation and carry hand-sanitiser. They will sanitise their hands before and after the visit. We ask that you turn on all lights and open the doors before the agent arrives so that contact is kept to a minimum. Please open all windows to make sure there is ventilation. If the space is too small to maintain a safe social distance we will ask if you could please wait in another room until we are finished. If you have any symptoms of coronavirus before or after the valuation please notify us as soon as possible. Are viewings still permitted? Viewings are still permitted but it is important to follow safety guidelines. If we are conducting the viewing: An agent will arrive early to prepare the house. We will open doors, turn on lights and open windows so that there is ventilation and no need to touch the handles. We will sanitise our hands before and after the visit and ask that those viewing the property do the same. The agent will wear a face mask during the visit. We ask that those viewing the property also wear a face mask. Social distance will be maintained and if it is difficult to do so, we will wait in another room to allow those viewing to look around safely. We will contact the people viewing the property beforehand to advise of these guidelines. Please do not be offended if our agent does not shake your hand when greeting. We are doing our best to minimise contact. If the vendor is conducting the viewing: Please maintain social distancing at all times. If it is difficult to keep apart then please consider moving to a different area and providing space for people to look around the home safely. Face masks and coverings should be worn at all times during the visit unless medically exempt. Please turn on lights and open windows prior to people arriving for the viewing. This means they will not need to turn the light on during the visit and that the rooms are well ventilated. Doors should also be opened before the visit takes place. Please notify us immediately if there has been a change in your health or anyone you have been in contact with which would mean the viewing could not go ahead. Please wash and sanitise your hands before and after the visit. We will ask those viewing to do the same. Surfaces should be cleaned down before and after the visit. Handles should also be cleaned. If you are viewing a property: If you are unwell and suspect it could be a risk, please notify us and do not attend the viewing. Sanitise or wash your hands before and after a viewing. Refrain from touching surfaces unless necessary. Use a face mask if you are medically able. Only attend the property with someone else from your household. Anyone else that accompanies you will be asked to wait outside. Maintain distance. Our agent or the person conducting the viewing will wait in another room if there is not enough space to make it safe

31 Aug 2023

November 2022 Market Report for Lanarkshire

Christmas songs are on the radio, there's a flurry of activity in the shops and the promise of lots of fun with our loved ones. It is also the season for questions like whether a home is large enough for the whole family or whether, children having flown the nest, it is too large?  New Year means new beginnings for many and so inevitably the thought of a new home is on many people's minds. All this means that the property market is approaching its traditional busy season. Let's have a brief look at what's been happening over the last month in the local property market around Lanarkshire. There are currently 620 properties available on the market in the area. The month prior there were 687, with 707 in September and 681 in August. The high number of available properties is indicative of the heat having left the market as properties aren't getting snapped up as fast as they were. Things have calmed back down to normal levels and there is now more choice once again for buyers. There are plenty of properties coming onto the market each month. In August there were 369, in September 376, in October 299 and in November 219. This explains the high number of available properties as there are lots to choose from. In November 265 sales were agreed. In October there were 271, in September there were 355 and in August there were 364. As more properties come to the market, more sales are happening. Although the media has been talking about the market cooling, the local facts are that there is still a lot of activity. In August we saw 51 price reductions across the Lanarkshire property market as a whole. There were 44 price reductions in September, 54 in October and 81 in November. This jump could imply that some sellers' or agents' expectations of what the market is prepared to pay are not in line with reality.  In November there were 120 slow movers in the Lanarkshire area. This means a property that has been on the market for 12 weeks or more. This could be due to the market returning to more normal levels but expectations still being at the peak levels. In October there were 90, in September there were 81 and in August, there were 71.  Slow movers can often be due to the 3 Ps - presentation, promotion, or price. We are proud to be in the top 5 agents in the area with the smallest numbers of slow movers. Choosing the right agent for your property can make a very real difference to achieving your moving plans. In August, each property in the Lanarkshire area had average daily views on Rightmove per property of 221. In September this dropped to 186, in October it was 149 and in November it settled down to 129.2.  This is not unusual for this time of year with many families busy as we approach Christmas and the end of term. The high levels of activity in the local Lanarkshire property market are likely to increase or at the very least, remain strong in the first quarter of next year. If you're looking for further information about the Lanarkshire property market, or if you're thinking of selling or buying in the area, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can call 01698 441327 or email sales@lanarkshireestateagents.co.uk.

31 Aug 2023


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